Does drinking water help you lose weight? How much water should be consumed per day?
The answer to one of the most popular questions of recent years, “does drinking water weaken?” is undoubtedly “yes”. While consuming water doesn’t directly help with weight loss, it makes it easier to stick to your diet and lose weight.
Although the idea that drinking water, which is especially critical for people with weight problems, makes you lose weight, is technically true, it is not possible to lose weight simply by consuming this.
At the top of almost all diet lists is the phrase “consume water frequently”. Of course, this method alone is not enough for healthy weight loss; however, he is a very serious supporter.
If you are not consuming a minimum of 2 liters of water per day, your body may already be experiencing many negatives due to lack of fluids. So whether you are on a diet or not, you should ensure your daily water consumption.
In addition, if you want to have a fit appearance and reach your ideal weight, you should remember that water consumption is of great importance in addition to fitness and regular nutrition.
Water helps to lose weight, but…
Drinking water is sometimes compared to other liquid beverages such as tea and coffee. But all beverages other than h20 contain sugar, caffeine, calories, sweeteners, acids or food chemicals that you don’t want to consume. Water consumption should be given more weight instead of these drinks.
Makes your stomach feel full
If water is used correctly during the diet, it will have huge benefits for slimming. Water is a calorie-free product. Moreover, there is no useless substance in it. Water has a boosting property to your feeling of satiety. That is why consuming plenty of water during the diet helps to lose weight. Thus, both the feeling of satiety is increased and the correct chemical enzyme movement is achieved in the body. In addition, continuity is ensured by little and frequent stimulation of metabolism.
Helps digestion
Water drunk before eating reduces appetite and creates a feeling of satiety. Water drunk after eating helps food to break down more easily in the digestive system. At the same time, water prevents the problem of constipation.
Increases energy in the body
Water does not give energy, but when dehydrated, it leads to loss of energy. This is due to the shrinkage of electrolytes in muscle cells due to fluid loss. When muscle cells do not get enough fluids, “muscle fatigue” occurs and you feel sluggish.
Accelerates metabolism
When you drink cold water, your metabolism expends extra energy to bring the temperature of the water to body temperature, and more calories are burned during this process. Metabolism begins to accelerate 10 minutes after drinking cold water. After about 30-40 minutes, it reaches its highest point. This may not have a big impact on weight loss, but every extra calorie burned benefits in the long run.
How many glasses of water should be consumed per day?
The need for water varies from person to person, but adult individuals need an average of two or three liters of water. Doctors stress that at least 12 glasses of water should be consumed per day. And you shouldn’t be thirsty for water. On average, 1 glass of water should be drunk for each hour.
Water consumption, which plays an active role in the digestion and draining of your body, provides you with great support during your weight loss. However, it is important to remember that it is not possible to lose weight simply by consuming water.