Pain in the knees, swelling, stuttering, especially difficulty getting up and down stairs or slopes… In the Covid-19 pandemic, the epidemic of the century that has been going on for about two years, the problem of knee arthritis has become widespread, especially with the great restriction of movements, knee complaints have increased significantly.
Rehabilitation specialists state that calcification, the most common musculoskeletal disease in the world, affects the cartilage in the joints and the bone below it, shared the following useful treatment tips:
While there is still no definitive treatment for knee arthritis, which greatly reduces quality of life today, there is strong evidence that exercise and getting rid of excess weight greatly benefit the disease. Carrying out low-intensity physical activities (walking, cycling, in-water exercises, etc.) 3-5 times a week and 30-60 minutes at a time contributes significantly to patients such as decreased pain, increased function and quality of life, and delay of disability.
Strength exercises strengthen the quadriceps muscle on the knee, which is very important in the movement of the person. For this purpose, it is of great benefit to carry out physical activities and 6 basic exercises regularly, both to protect against knee arthritis and to reduce complaints of knee arthritis.
Twitch the muscle on the knee and let go
This exercise can be done smoothly even by people with the most advanced knee arthritis.
- First, sit on the floor or on the seat with your knee outstretched.
- As you pull your toes towards your face, press your knee downwards.
- Count your knee to 5 with a muscle, and then rest for 5 seconds.
- Repeat the exercise 10 times in this way.
- After 10 repetitions, rest for about 30 seconds and repeat the same set of 10s 3 times.
Lift your leg straight
This exercise can also be done smoothly even by people with the most advanced knee arthritis.
- Lie on the floor/seat with your elbows half-lying on your knees while you stretch out.
- Lift your foot up to 1 inch above the hip while your toes are slanted towards your face and the knee is held straight.
- Hold your knee in the air for 5 seconds and then lower it to the ground for 5 seconds. Repeat the exercise 10 times in this way.
- After 10 repetitions, rest for about 30 seconds and repeat the same set of 10s 3 times.
- If you can lift your leg 15 times without problems in the third set of the exercise, then you can do this exercise by putting weights on your ankle. If you can lift the weight you wear on your ankle without problems and even lift it 15 times in the third set, you can increase the weight you put on your ankle.
Bend and open your knee 90 degrees
If you have a problem with your kneecap or do not know your problem fully, be sure to consult your doctor or do terminal knee excision exercise number 4 instead.
- Sit in a high chair or seat with your foot hanging from your seat and lift your knee straight up to hold it in the air for 5 seconds.
- Then curl for 5 seconds. Repeat the exercise 10 times in this way.
- After 10 repetitions, rest for about 30 seconds and repeat the same set of 10s 3 times.
- If you can lift your leg 15 times without problems in the third set of the exercise, then you can do this exercise by putting weights on your ankle. If you can also lift the weight you put on your ankle without problems, and even lift it 15 times in the third set, you can increase the weight you wear on your ankle.
Bend and open your knee 30 degrees
For those who have problems with the kneecap, this exercise should be done instead of exercise number 3.
- First, when you’re under your knee, put a pillow on it and keep your knee bent up to 30°.
- Lift your foot up with your knee straight while pressing your knee against the towel.
- Hold your knee in the air for 5 seconds and then lower it to the ground for 5 seconds. Repeat the exercise 10 times in this way.
- After 10 repetitions, rest for about 30 seconds and repeat the same set of 10s 3 times.
- If you can lift your leg 15 times without problems in the third set of the exercise, then you can do this exercise by putting weights on your ankle. If you can also lift the weight you put on your ankle without problems, and even lift it 15 times in the third set, you can increase the weight you wear on your ankle.
Squeeze the pillow between your knees
This exercise allows your knee and hip muscles to strengthen. These muscles help to reduce the person’s complaints. This exercise can be done smoothly even by people with the most advanced knee arthritis.
- Put a pillow between your knees and sit on the floor or seat without bending your knees.
- Squeeze the pillow between your knees for 5 seconds, and then release for 5 seconds.
- Repeat the exercise 10 times in this way.
- After 10 repetitions, rest for about 30 seconds and repeat the same set of 10s 3 times.
Open your hips to the side and close them
This exercise allows your knee and hip muscles to strengthen. These muscles help to reduce the person’s complaints and walk more accurately. This exercise can also be done smoothly even by people with the most advanced knee arthritis.
- Lie on your side on the floor or seat with your troubled leg up.
- Lift your leg up to 2 inches from the ground while keeping your upper knee straight.
- Hold your leg in the air for 5 seconds and then lower it to the ground for 5 seconds. Repeat the exercise 10 times in this way.
- After 10 repetitions, rest for about 30 seconds and repeat the same set of 10s 3 times.
- If you can lift your leg 15 times without problems in the third set of the exercise, then you can do this exercise by putting weights on your ankle. If you can lift the weight you put on your ankle without problems and even lift it 15 times in the third set, you can increase the weight you put on your ankle.
Knee osteoarthritis treatment: Pay attention to these recommendations!
Those with knee arthritis should reach their ideal weight in addition to exercise, not sit too bent on the knees for a long time and avoid challenging activities. In addition, hot/cold applications, physical therapy, painkillers and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, corrective special knee pads, personalized insoles in those with pressure problems or mechanical problems in the knee, hyaluronic acid / cortisone / PRP, sanakin and orthotoxin biological treatments obtained from the person’s blood are also used in patients. The surgical option should also be kept in mind for patients who do not benefit from these treatments and have night pain and have to take anti-inflammatory drugs that are not steroids regularly.