Masses and pits on the skin may indicate skin cancer. You have to follow it very well. What you think is a stain could be cancer. If such formations do not heal in 2-4 weeks, bleeding or pain, be sure to consult a specialist.
Staining caused by the harmful rays of the sun can cause skin cancer in the later stages.
The structure of the suspicious tissue should be analyzed very well before starting treatment, the experts said. It is determined which type of surgical method will be applied according to the location of the tumor, the area where the tissue is located and the structure of the tissue to be removed. The skin cavity that occurs after the removal of the tumor can be closed with aesthetic techniques and a healthy skin aesthetic can be provided.”
Harmful rays of the sun are effective in skin cancer
Noting that staining caused by harmful rays of the sun can cause skin cancer in the later stages, the experts said, “First of all, the exposed areas of the skin, including the scalp, face, lips, ears, neck, chest, arms and hands, and the legs in women, are potential for skin cancer. It can also occur in areas that rarely see daylight, such as the under of the fingernails of the hand and toenails and the genital area. It is very important to protect against harmful rays of the sun so as not to give way to such spots. It is necessary to use creams with high protection factors, especially those with ultraviolet A and B content.”
What are the symptoms of skin cancer?
- In the form of a small mass of white and pink color,
- The surface is smooth, shiny or pit-shaped,
- In the form of a dry, scaly, red dot,
- Crustacean, red, tuber-shaped,
- In the form of small masses side by side with crustaceans,
- They can be in the form of a white patch, which resembles a scar.
Watch out for dry and scaly blisters!
The most common type is basal cell skin cancer, the experts said. It manifests itself on the skin as pale red color, dry and scaly blisters. It mostly occurs in areas where the skin is exposed to the sun and begins to grow. Over time, they may become ulcers and may not be able to make a full recovery,”.
Watch out for over-50s!
Stressing that squamous cell skin cancer, another type of skin cancer, spreads quickly to the lymph nodes and internal organs and treatment should be started immediately, experts said, “Squamous cell skin cancer manifests itself with hardened, red and easy bleeding spots on the skin. Spots can be dry and ulcerated. It mostly occurs in people over the age of 50. If left untreated, it could result in death.”
Stain on the surface of the skin
The third and most dangerous type of skin cancer is melanoma, which can result in death if not diagnosed early, the experts said. It can be fully treated with early diagnosis. It manifests itself as a new blemish on the surface of the skin or a change in the shape, color and size of an existing blemish. People with colored eyes and light skin have a higher incidence.”