If you have complaints of bloating and weakness, you can get a Sibo test. Among the diseases caused by Sibo, there are many disorders such as Fibromyalgia, Rose Disease, Eczema, Hashimato, Celiac, Depression, especially Restless Bowel Syndrome.
What is Sibo?
Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) occurs when there is an abnormal increase in the overall bacterial population in the small intestine — particularly types of bacteria not commonly found in that part of the digestive tract. This condition is sometimes called blind loop syndrome.
Bacteria in the digestive tract have a very important place in order for a healthy digestive function to occur. These bacteria, which make up our flora and weigh up to 1.5 kg, are a natural part of us. The vast majority of our intestinal flora, 85% of which is composed of beneficial bacteria, is located in the large intestine. Some of our defense mechanisms, especially stomach acid, prevent the presence of large numbers of bacteria in the small intestine.
When these defense mechanisms are weakened, as well as misuse of antibiotics and stomach preservatives, malnutrition, consumption of hormone and pesticide vegetables and fruits, chronic alcohol intake and surgical interventions in the digestive tract, some factors cause the formation of SIBO.
As SIBO progresses, it causes these diseases:
Bacteria that increase in the small intestine become partners in the foods we eat, and by fermenting nutrients, hydrogen and methane gases that are not produced in the human body are released. As a result, symptoms such as gas and bloating, cramp-style pains, diarrhea, constipation and reflux occur especially after meals. As Sibo progresses, autoimmune diseases such as headache, fatigue, weakness, fibromyalgia, depression, eczema, rose disease, hashimato and celiac can be accompanied.”
Sibo test yields successful results
Sibo testing achieves over 90 percent success in diagnosing SIBO.
Choosing the Sibo breath test, which is easy to use and cost-effective instead of counting bacteria, which is difficult and expensive for sibo diagnosis, gives patients an advantage. There are preparation stages before the use of this test.
If the patient has used antibiotics, we expect it to be 4 weeks. The patient has a 1-day diet that must be administered 24 hours before the test, restricting high-fiber foods and fermentable sugars.
After starving for the last 12 hours, 10 grams of lactulosis are dissolved in 1 cup of water and given to the patient. Breath samples taken from the patient for 2 hours are analyzed to determine if it is Sibo. We always refer our patients who test positive to specialist physicians who are experienced in Sibo to start the treatment process as soon as possible.
Sibo test at home
Stressing that the Sibo breath test kit can also be used individually, the experts shared the following information:
With easy instructions, anyone can do this test at home. Collecting samples is simple and effortless. In this process, the patient collects the breath sample with the help of the test kit given to him.