After breast cancer, the most common gynecological cancers in women are uterus, cervical and ovarian cancers. 6 misconceptions about gynecological cancers!
Obstetrics and Gynecology, Gynecologic Oncology Specialists, “Gynecological cancers constitute 3 of the top 10 most common cancers in women. Of these, ovarian cancer ranks 5th, uterine cancer ranks 7th, and cervical cancer ranks 9th.
Among these cancers, only cervical cancer has an effective screening program. Since ovarian cancer is extremely insidious, it usually reaches an advanced stage when the diagnosis is made. Uterine cancer, on the other hand, usually manifests itself with postmenopausal bleeding, and when diagnosed early, we can completely cure a large part of it. Although there is no effective screening program for ovarian and uterine cancer, early diagnosis and treatment of the disease is possible with gynecological examinations to be performed at regular intervals.”
Stating that since there is no social awareness about women’s cancers, mostly cancers are diagnosed at an advanced stage, and some mistakes that are known to be true in society adversely affect the possibility of early diagnosis and treatment, the experts explained 6 mistakes that are known to be true about gynecological cancers and made important warnings and suggestions.
I don’t have any cancer in my family, so I’m not at risk: WRONG!
THE TRUTH: Experts who say that having cancer in close family members increases the risk, say that most cancers are caused by environmental and hormonal factors and wrong life habits without any mutation or family history. When all types are examined, only 10-15 percent of hereditary cancer types are encountered, experts say: “These types are usually; breast, ovarian and large intestine cancers. For example; If there are inherited BRCA1 and 2 mutations, the probability of breast cancer is 85 percent and the probability of ovarian cancer is around 20-40 percent. But even if these genes in the family are passed on to children, the likelihood of cancer is not 100 percent. In addition, in some genetic disorders other than these well-known mutations, cancer can be inherited.”
I have no complaints . Why should I get a cancer screening? WRONG!
THE TRUTH: Among the gynecological cancers is the screening program for cervical cancer. Screening begins at age 21 and continues every 3 years until age 70. When these cancers give symptoms, they are considered ‘late’. For this reason, cancer screening should be done without any symptoms, experts said, “Women who have regular cervical cancer screening very rarely get cervical cancer. There is no effective screening method for ovarian cancers and uterine cancer. However, even if there are no complaints, gynecological examinations at regular intervals allow early diagnosis and treatment of these diseases.”
Cervical cancer is inherited from the family: WRONG!
THE TRUTH: Experts say that the cause of cervical cancer is the sexually transmitted HPV virus, but it should not be thought that everyone who gets this virus will get cancer. Noting that there is no familial transmission in cervical cancer, experts point out that those who have cervical cancer in their family are not at extra risk.
If conization is done when HPV is detected, I get rid of HPV: WRONG!
THE TRUTH: The detection of HPV infection does not indicate a disorder in the cervix. If cell abnormalities are observed in the smear test and a disorder called a precancerous lesion is detected in the cervix on the colposcopic biopsy, then it is removed by surgical procedure (conization). This procedure only cleans these cellular disorders in the cervix, it does not remove the HPV virus. The HPV virus continues to be present within normal cells in the cervix. HPV is only cleared thanks to the immune system.
Now that I have an HPV infection, the vaccine is useless: WRONG!
THE TRUTH: Experts who state that everyone can be vaccinated against HPV until the age of 45, male and female, whether they have HPV infection or not, speaks as follows: “Vaccine; does not cure existing HPV infection, it is done to prevent it. However, the studies carried out; It shows that those who have received the HPV vaccine after the disorders in the cervix due to HPV have a greater improvement than those who have not been vaccinated. HPV vaccines are given in 3 doses in a total of 6 months. Once these 3 doses have been made, there is no need to repeat them again. They provide lifelong protection against the HPV types found in vaccines.”
It is not possible to have children after the treatment of gynecological cancers: WRONG!
THE TRUTH: In reproductive age, it is possible to protect the fertility of the patient by treating women who want to have children according to the stage of cancer. Gynecologic Oncology Specialistssaid, “Uterine cancer is very rare in reproductive age, but if the disease seen in reproductive age is in the early stage, 6-12 months can suppress the disease with hormonal therapy and provide patients with the opportunity to have children. Ovarian cancer can occur at any age. In the young patient group, if the disease is limited to a single ovary, surgery is performed by protecting the other ovary and uterus.
Cervical cancer can also be seen at an early age. If the disease is in the early stage, surgery can be performed only by removing the cervix by protecting the uterine body and thus the fertility capacity is preserved. If the uterus cannot be protected, the ovaries are protected and removed from the radiation therapy area by hanging on the upper parts of the abdomen to protect them from the effect of possible radiation therapy after surgery. In this way, if the patient wants to in the future, he can have children from the carrier mother with his own eggs.”