What is inguinal hernia? Why does a hernia occur in the groin? Providing information about the types of hernias and treatment methods, which are one of the most commonly referred disorders to general surgery clinics, experts stated that after a simple operation, the patient’s old quality of life can return within 10 days.
What is a hernia in the groin? Why does it occur?
A hernia is the outward overflow of organs in the abdomen due to weakness in the wall in the groin area or an opening from in insion. This condition manifests itself in the groin and in men, sometimes in the form of correct swelling to the testicle.
Experts stated that stomach, belly and incision hernias, which come to almost everyone’s mind when it comes to hernias, are the interests of general surgery and gave detailed information about inguinal hernias.
Inguinal hernia is often seen on the left side of men
The most common finding for inguinal hernia is swelling in the groin. These swellings often occur by pushing, walking for a long time, standing for a long time, and activities that increase intra-abdominal pressure like this.
Patients with prostate complaints and patients with COPD (Lung disease) are also at risk. Usually, the patient does not have pain when there is no swelling, but when the swelling occurs, the patient notices the pain.
If you have a hernia, you will not be able to recover with medication or precautions. Surgery is the only way to treat a hernia. It is a condition that requires urgent treatment if the bowel parts that go into the hernia become stuck and suffocate. All patients are candidates for this condition.
Therefore, it makes the most sense to have surgery before the hernia grows as soon as possible. In infants and young children, tissues tend to get stuck. Therefore, pediatric surgeons want the surgery to be performed early without waiting too long.
Gap that does not close during development turns into hernia
During the development of baby boys in the womb, the existing openings in the groin normally close after birth. The reason for this openness is to allow the testicles to move downwards. Most inguinal hernias in males occur due to the fact that these openings do not close. Sometimes this hernia can manifest itself shortly after birth. Sometimes it can manifest itself in later years.
If you are overweight, lifting a lot of weight, have a chronic cough or have difficulty with a sudden movement, it is likely to be a hernia. Inguinal hernia disease is more common in men. In women, this risk may increase after pregnancy.
If the pain is decreasing, it means that the disease is progressing!
The main symptom of a hernia is swelling around the groin or testicle. It usually feels like a round lump. Bloating can occur within a few weeks or in a long time. Sometimes it can be seen that the swelling occurs when lifting heavily, coughing, pushing or laughing. Hernia may be more painful in the initial period. Over time, the opening in the abdominal wall expands, so the organs get out of here more easily.
While patients are generally happy because the pain is reduced, the disease has actually progressed. If there is sudden pain, stiffness in the hernia sac, nausea or vomiting, this is a sign that part of your intestine may be trapped in the hernia. If you have inguinal hernia and have these symptoms, you should call your doctor immediately.
Patch is the best treatment for hernia surgery
Noting that there are usually two types of inguinal hernia disorders, the experts shared the following information: “One type has weakness of the muscles that directly form the groin wall, while in another there is a case of intra-abdominal organs coming out through the canal we call the groin canal.
The type of hernia does not interfere with the way it is treated. Ideal and golden treatment in both types are patches. These patches do not serve only as mechanical barriers. At the same time, the pores on the patch are filling with a tissue called fibrosis tissue over time, which supports the patch tissue.”
How to perform hernia surgery? Will it reappear?
Hernia surgeries are performed both ways, open and closed. Regardless of whether it is on or off in patch surgeries, the rate of relapse of the hernia is less than 1%. Patients are usually hospitalized on the day of surgery.
Surgery can only be performed by animating from the waist or with general anesthesia. In closed surgeries alone, from the waist down, numbing is not enough and the patient needs to sleep completely. In both surgeries, open or closed, the same procedure is performed and the muscles around the groin canal and in the groin are supported by patches.
The patient can be discharged within one day after inguinal hernia surgery or on the same day if the operation was performed in the early hours. After discharge, patients are advised to rest for 7-10 days.
While heavy sports are only allowed in patients after week 6, simple training can be started on the 14th day.
How many types of surgery are there for inguinal hernia?
It is possible to have surgery by open or laparoscopic method. In the open technique, the incisor made over the hernia is opened and the tissues that come out of it are placed in place. After repairing this part, it is reinforced with a material called patches among the people made of synthetic material.
In laparoscopic method, the hernia area in the groin is reached either by entering the abdomen with the cameras and instruments entered from the belly or by moving through the gap between the abdominal membrane and the muscle and reaching the groin. In the same way, the trapped tissues are placed in place and patched and repaired. Due to the fact that there are fewer incisions in laparoscopic method, comfort and early return to work are higher. Especially in patients with bilateral inguinal hernia, the superiority of laparoscopic method is even more prominent.
Laparoscopic method cannot be used in suffocated hernias. In fact, during the emergency intervention of such hernias, if there is gangrene in the trapped part, that is, if the blood supply of the tissue is impaired, then sometimes this part may be in a intestine and may even need to be cut and removed.
How long does it take for the patient to recover from surgery?
After both types of surgery, most people can return home on the same day or on the 1st day. In 1-2 weeks, they will be able to return to work. As daily actions can be carried out in a few days, light exercises are allowed after week 2. Sports or heavy exercise are usually inconvenient for the first month.
Early exercise and smoking repeat the inguinal hernia
After each inguinal hernia repair, the disease may reappear according to the condition of the person and the technique. Factors that facilitate relapse; wound infection, early exercise, chronic cough, smoking, diabetes and especially being overweight can be listed as a condition.