Why do we wake up in the morning with a swollen face? And how do we get out of this? Could it be a sign of a disease? This can often be prevented by minor changes in nutrition and lifestyle.
However, if the swellings on the face that you see in the mirror when you wake up do not go away for a long time, reach an uncomfortable size, or if there is swelling collected in a certain part of the face that suddenly appears, of course you should consult a doctor.
Swollen face reasons:
If you do not have an underlying health problem, what are the reasons why you wake up in the morning with your face extremely swollen?
Sleep: The reason for waking up with a swollen face is due to normal fluid retention throughout the night for many people. However, if a person sleeps too little or too much, the swelling may become even more pronounced. Lying down causes the fluid to collect the face, and the person’s sleeping position can exacerbate it. Lying face down, for example, can trigger more swelling of the face. In this case, keeping your head up from the moment you wake up will work.
Makeup: Sleeping without cleaning makeup can cause a skin reaction called contact dermatitis. This can lead to redness, irritation or bloating in the face and eyes. For most cases there is nothing to worry about, but those with serious symptoms, such as swollen eyes or difficulty opening their eyes, need medical attention. Be careful not to sleep without cleaning your makeup.
Foods: Eating certain foods in the evening or at night causes extra bloating in the morning. In general, foods high in sodium can cause the body to retain more water. Although the main source of sodium is salt, mineral waters contain seafood, cheese, red and green peppers, nuts, peanuts, walnuts, celery and carrot sodium, especially anchovies.
Some high-sodium foods should be avoided
A diet rich in sodium makes people thirsty, so they drink more water, but the body can collect this excess water in different areas, including the face, which does not leave it with urine. Some common high-sodium foods that should be avoided especially in the evening diet can be listed as follows: fast food foods such as hamburgers, fries, pizza, processed meats such as bacon and sausage, sushi, soy saucedishes, chips, salted crackers…
Alcohol: Alcohol causes a person to urinate more, which can lead to mild dehydration. The body can hold water in response.
Menstrual period: Menstruation usually causes fluid retention and the person may notice swelling on their face when they wake up before an upcoming menstrual period.
Allergies: Sometimes bloating on the face in the morning can be caused by allergies due to dust, hair or pollen inhaled at night. The person may not notice any symptoms until they wake up. Other symptoms of the allergic reaction, such as congestion, runny nose, sneezing and itchy or watery eyes, may indicate that allergies cause bloating.
Sinus infection: Sinus infection may be the reason you wake up in the morning with a swollen face. In this case, symptoms such as pain and tenderness on the face, nasal discharge, frontal headache, toothache, fever and nasal congestion will also be seen.
Hypothyroidism: Thyroid failure is also among the causes of facial bloating. Hypothyroidism can also lead to weight gain, fatigue, hair loss, cold resistance and dry skin.
Tips for swollen face:
If you wake up in the morning and are disturbed by the swelling on your face, one of the methods you can apply at home is to apply cold water to your face or to make a cold compress with a towel. In addition, applying coffee grounds or a chilled tea bag to areas with swelling can help stimulate the skin and reduce bloating by narrowing blood vessels. On the other hand, it is also a good idea to start the day with exercise.
If you do not want to wake up in the morning with a swollen face, avoid foods high in sodium content. Avoid refined carbohydrates, especially late in the evening or later in the night. Don’t eat before bed. Avoid sleeping more or less. Try to sleep on your back. Consume enough water during the day. Also avoid alcohol consumption.