What causes shoulder pain? What is good for you? What is the treatment? If severe shoulder pains give symptoms such as not being able to lie on the shoulder, not being able to move the arm, it may indicate shoulder compression syndrome. Shoulder compression, which affect almost 30 percent of the population, can be treated with manual therapy. What is shoulder compression syndrome? What are the symptoms?
What causes shoulder impingement (compression)?
Impingement; In other words, shoulder compression syndrome can usually be caused by plagias, dull shoulder, fibromyalgia, arthritis, traumatic and athletic injuries, nerve injuries, infections, tumors, pains spreading from the neck, inflammatory rheumatic diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, gout, diabetes, various metabolic and hormonal diseases, thoracic exit syndromes affecting the shoulder, muscle disease called myopathy, heart diseases and lung peak tumors. This problem is also common in people who use their arm over the head for a long time in a way that requires force.
Shoulder pain restricts mobility
Shoulder compression syndrome is one of the common shoulder disorders. Shoulder compression syndrome usually causes symptoms such as feeling pain while lying on the shoulder, even not being able to lie on the shoulder due to pain, not being able to lift the arm above the head and creating limitations in such movements. In this syndrome, the pain can sometimes become severe enough to wake the person from his sleep.
The angle of movement of the shoulder is important
During the examination, the openness of movement of the shoulder is looked at and some tests are performed to indicate the compression. In some cases, injection is performed. The passage of pain after this injection and the improvement of movements and tests are significant for diagnosis. Calcification and changes in bones should be seen by X-rays. Ultrasound and MRI examinations should be performed to see the condition of tendons and other soft tissues. Treatment is planned by appearing to be in the condition of the tendo, whether it has ruptured or not.
The first stage is seen in people under the age of 25
The first stage of shoulder compression syndrome usually appears in people 25 years and younger. At this stage, edema, swelling, bleeding occurs in the tendo. Treatment can be planned with medication, manual therapy and exercise. At this stage, it should not be loaded on the arm.
If trigger movements are avoided, the pain is eased. Surgery is not required for patients in this group who suffer from shoulder compression syndrome. In the second stage, tendinitis in the trapped tendon; that is, fire occurs. This stage is mostly seen in people between the ages of 25 and 40. Medication, exercise and physical therapy and manual therapy are applied for treatment. During this period, local injection, neural therapy can also be applied.
Ruptures may occur if treatment is not provided at an early time
People diagnosed with the disease in the first and second stages may not progress to the third stage thanks to appropriate treatment practices, exercise and prevention methods. At this stage, patients are usually over 40 years of age and tears may occur in the tendo during this period. At this stage, the diagnosed patients are admitted to conservative treatment with physical therapy, exercise therapy, manual therapy, local injections, provided that they do not exceed 6 months.
Despite this conservative treatment, surgical methods may be required in patients who continue to complain or have a complete tear in the tendo. For a good result, postoperative physical therapy and exercise are recommended. The purpose with treatment, regardless of period; preventing the progression of the disease with preventive measures should be to restore shoulder functions through exercise and physical therapy.