Mold fungi; are small fungi that cling to humid environments and whose spores fly in the air. They need air, ideal temperature, humidity and nutrients to grow and spread. Mold fungi can manifest themselves in outdoor areas, such as air or rotting plants, and in damp areas of the house that are not exposed to the sun. Mold fungi, which increase in the number of spores after the summer season when the weather is relatively warmer and humid, or at the beginning of early autumn; it has also been reported to produce spores that are invisible to the eye and cause allergic reactions.
Allergic symptoms seen in specific periods of individuals’ lives may bring mold fungus allergy to mind. In a fundamental sense, mold spores are different from animals and plants in terms of their growth and reproduction patterns. Mold spores can spread in the form of dew in areas where humidity is intense.
Experts said that allergic reactions may occur in some people due to the inhalation of mold spores. Experts; “Although there are many types of mold, only a few dozen types of mold develop allergic symptoms. Some types of mold develop in the grass, on leaves and rotting stumps that have fallen from the tree. Contrary to what is misunderstood, although pollen dies with the cooling of the weather, most types of mold continue to develop. The primary allergen in mold is the mold spore. Mold spores can also touch the noses of individuals because they can be absorbed into the air. At this point, allergic reactions are triggered. Mold spores can be associated with asthma and allergies in human life.”
Beware of Mold Sports in Your Home!
Mold spores that are constantly suspended in the air have the potential to trigger allergic symptoms, and when these spores stick to a wet ground and mold expands, the problems reach more serious dimensions. Mold growing inside the house can usually occur in water leaks that have not been determined to cause and can occur in attics, basements and damp areas of the house. Experts said that mold is especially concentrated in humid weather and can be found on walls with damaged plaster inside the house, bathroom tiles that grow from dampness, kitchen cabinets that rot, plants and wallpapers that are moistened. He added: “Mold fungi, which have a peculiar odor feature, are not visible to the eye. It flies in the air and scatters around and can cause allergic symptoms. Since mold fungi can increase in the early autumn period when the air is humid and hot, individuals should be more careful in these days.”
If You Have These Symptoms, Beware of Mold Allergy!
Experts explained that mold allergy occurs through the same symptoms as other upper respiratory tract allergies, and that the symptoms of allergic rhinitis caused by mold allergy include scaly and dry skin structure, sneezing, nasal congestion or discharge, nasal discharge or cough, nose and throat itching, tears. The symptom scale of mold allergy may vary from individual to individual. Basically, the symptoms of mold allergy differ from individual to individual, and at specific times of the year, the symptoms may become severe.
Mold Allergy Can Be Compared to Food Allergy in Rare Cases
If the individual already has an allergy to mold, the consumption of foods containing mold can cause reactions that appear to be food allergy. In relation to most foods, mild colonization with saprophyte-shaped fungi can occur without the food appearing to be spoiled. In these and similar cases, the nutrient substance; consistency, sugar and moisture content play a key role. Turning food into incense or drying it is a very important protection method. The risk that may occur at this point; Due to the lack of fungicidal treatment, the problem in the organic products part is increasing. Experts; He underlined that foods such as fat, dairy products, citrus or pitted fruits, bread, peanuts and dried fruits are often overlooked to harbor mold spores.
Mold Fungus Allergy Triggers Asthma!
Mold allergy can reach serious dimensions in certain cases and cause other negative situations to occur. Experts have explained a number of complications that can occur due to mold as follows: “Allergic fungal sinusitis is a condition that causes inflammation in the sinuses, and mold allergy affects this condition deeply. On the other hand, at the point of mold-induced asthma, inhaling mold spores in individuals who are allergic to mold can trigger asthma attacks. In some individuals, exposure to mold can cause asthma to intensify. In addition to all this, allergic fungal sinusitis; is a condition triggered by a mold allergy that causes inflammation in the sinuses”.
Ways to Prevent Mold Fungus Allergy
Experts mentioned a number of methods to reduce the growth of mold in the living spaces of individuals:
- Damp areas such as groundwater or pipe leaks that occur in places such as basements should be eliminated.
- Care should be taken to use air conditioners with HEPA filters in homes. The HEPA filter is able to capture mold spores in the outdoor environment before they reach the inside of the house.
- The filters of air conditioners and ovens should be changed regularly.
- All bathrooms should be ventilated regularly, and a ventilation fan should be activated immediately after the shower to dry the air. In the absence of a ventilation fan, a window or door should be left open when showering.