Breast milk benefits: Mother’s milk, which every mother can easily give to her baby, is one of the essentials for both physical and psychological development of babies.
Only breast milk should be given to babies for the first 6 months. Experts gave information about breast milk and its importance.
Breast milk worth gold
Breast milk contains vitamins, minerals, proteins and carbohydrates that the baby needs, as well as stem cells. In addition, it contains antibodies against the diseases of the mother and vaccinations to the mother.
Apart from its contribution to physical growth, breast milk also strengthens babies psychologically and ensures a positive bond with the mother. Sucking babies feel safe and have a happy and healthy newborn period.
Breast milk is a foodstuff that can vary in content depending on the baby’s month and disease status. In newborn babies, the first drops of milk as well as colostrum are very important.
Colostrum has very dense preservatives and antibodies. As the baby grows, the content of milk, the protein and carbohydrate ratio it has changes. It was also found that the content of breast milk changed when the baby was sick.
Protects against breast cancer
Breastfeeding has a lot of benefits for the mother. Breast cancer is less common in mothers who breastfeed their baby for a long time, and cysts and adenoma formation are less common in the breast. Breastfeeding helps the mother’s uterus to recover and lose weight. Breastfeeding mothers are happier and calmer. They experience emotional satisfaction and form a unique bond of love with their baby.
Increase the amount of milk by avoiding stress
The baby should be breastfed as soon as possible after birth. Breastfeeding in the first half hour allows the secretion of prolactin, the milk-making hormone, in a shorter time, and milk arrives earlier.
After difficult normal births and cesarean deliveries, milk formation may be delayed a little and breast milk may be inadequate. The mother should rest as much as possible after birth, get her sleep and get away from her stresses and anxiety.
Every family member should support the mother psychologically, try to help her. If the baby and the mother are healthy, the baby is often breastfed and the mother’s nutrition is good, there will surely be milk.
Mothers should drink plenty of water and eat a balanced diet
When breastfeeding, the mother should pay attention to the eating and drinking patterns, eat protein-heavy. It should not neglect fruits and vegetables, but consume light milk desserts instead of dumplings. Breastfeeding mothers should drink 2-2.5 liters of water per day, avoiding very sharp spices as they will switch to milk and disturb the baby.
Legumes such as lentils, chickpeas, beans, broccoli, cauliflower can pass from mother to baby and make gas. Some gas-making fruits can also be consumed as maternal compote. Consuming herbal teas such as fennel and linden helps increase milk.
Breast milk protects against all infections and obesity
Breast milk is as important for the baby’s growth and physical development as it is for the baby’s mental development.
Experts say that proper breastfeeding strengthens the bond of love between mother and baby, “The risks can be easily overcome with breast milk, especially in the newborn period, which is most susceptible to infection. Breastfeeding also strengthens the bond between mother and baby and strengthens the baby psychologically.”
Breast milk provides all the nutrients necessary for the growth and development of the baby and psychologically ensures that the baby is strong. Experts emphasize that breast milk, which is the only food that has no one-to-one equivalent of all foods, is the most valuable food that mothers can give to their babies; “Proper breastfeeding, strengthening the bond of love between mother and baby; it allows the baby to develop a sense of confidence and to get through the risky newborn period of the baby in a happy and healthy way.”
Breast milk protects the baby from all infections
The foreground, the first drop that touches the baby’s mouth, covers the entire intestinal tract and begins to protect the baby against infections, pediatricians said. it is economical, clean, always ready, easy to digest, gas and constipation are less common.”
If determined, every baby can be breastfed
Noting that the baby’s inability to grasp the udder or get impatient to suck milk during breastfeeding can cause problems such as low motivation in the mother and crying crises in the baby, the doctors said, “In such cases, the problem can be easily solved by calming the baby down and reattaching it to the breast in the appropriate positions, using silicone nipples in the mother, starting breastfeeding after making the nipple prominent.” Especially if it is an active baby in milk absorption, it is necessary to be patient and calm about this, the scientists said. Only the mother needs support at the beginning and constant strengthening of her self-esteem.”
Bottle can weaken baby’s feeling of hunger and saturation
Explaining that breast milk also strengthens the immune system and prevents developing diseases in the future, the experts said, “Breast milk-fed babies are protected from allergic diseases, chronic diseases and obesity.” Noting the importance of breastfeeding to protect against obesity, which is becoming a common problem every day, the scientists say, “Bottle can cause the baby to gain weight because it can weaken the ability to understand the feeling of hunger and saturation.”
Breastfeeding time varies by mother and baby
Since each baby’s need for breast milk, the mother’s relationship with her baby and her approach to breastfeeding will be different, they do not make a clear recommendation on how much breastfeeding the baby should be, the physicians said. Anyway, within a few weeks after birth, the duration and amount of breastfeeding will be balanced.”
Baby should not be constantly breastfed to be silenced
Noting that serious weight excesses can be seen in babies who gain a lot of weight with breast milk, want to suck too often or are breastfed too often by the mother, according to their peers, the experts said, “There is no need to breastfeed constantly to silence when it is discovered why the baby who cries easily, is quickly stimulated or cries out of their desires.
The mother begins to read the feeling of hunger and satisfaction and can breastfeed in a self-balancing system when necessary.” The baby can cry for other reasons besides hunger, He said, “If the baby, who does not calm down with breastfeeding when she cries, is silent when she is taken into her arms, she wants to contact the mother.”